Fun ways to Rearrange Jewelry

I recently came across some random pieces of jewelry, I had one vintage earring, and a couple lockets.  I really like to use jewelry in unexpected ways, so when I came across some ring blanks, I thought, that could be interesting!

Here is the vintage earring into a ring

Vintage Upcycled Earing Ring 1

Vintage Upcycled Earing Ring 3





The Rose Locket Ring

Rose Locket Ring 1

Rose Locket Ring 2

Rose Locket Ring 3

Rose Locket Ring 4



The Heart Locket Ring

Heart Locket Ring 2

Heart Locket Ring 3

Heart Locket Ring 4

Heart Locket Ring

I know, I know I should have painted my nails! But, what a fun project! Now I am looking all over my house for things to stick to rings!

If you want to do this project, all you need is random pieces of jewelry, ring blanks, and a glue gun.

Of course if you would like to help support my little Etsy store (which I appreciate!) you can purchase them here:

Happy Crafting Everyone, have a super wonderful week!



Vintage Clothing A Second Chance

Vintage clothing is amazing, and the fact that some of it is still intact still completely amazes me. Sometimes clothing is a little bit too damaged too actually wear, but sometimes you can find pieces that are completely fixable or up-cycle-able.  😀

If you come across a piece of clothing you absolutely love, you can always up-cycle it into something else. Some vintage fabrics are super funky and hard to find. So you will surely have a one of a kind masterpiece.

There is no law that you can’t salvage good parts and make that shirt, tie, skirt or dress into something completely new.

I recently stocked the Sugar Beet Crafts Etsy store with some awesome ties and men’s vintage shirts that would be great as an up-cycle project. I want to keep them all! It prompted me to do some research on projects. There are so many awesome DIY ways to fix up old clothing, especially right now when vintage is super in. So go through Grandma and Grandpa’s closet or hop down to a thrift store and see what treasures you can find!

Here are a few ideas I found online:

Image   Image      Image

I think these Ideas are awesome! Some people are so creative. I personally want to try all of these projects as soon as I have a sewing machine again. I hope your inspired to get out there and change and rearrange some loved items.

Here is a link to some great DIY up-cycled Clothing Tutorials on Pinterest:                                  

Follow this link to a Blog with wonderful tutorials and ideas: Moda E Dicas de Costura (you will need to translate the page)

Oh and follow this link to an awesome Tutorial on how to Up-cycle a Men’s Shirt into a summer blouse:

More Ideas:

  • Throw Pillows
  • Headbands
  • Scarf
  • Tank Top

Lets save some vintage!

Vintage Shirts and Ties are available online @


Rescued Toilet Paper Rolls!

Rescued Toilet Paper Rolls!

As you know, I Love Love LOVE to reuse trash! I know that sounds so weird. I just hate to waste resources. Especially something I can use to craft with. Everything is so expensive these days. I never pass up on a freebie, and I try to make anything myself I can.

So this is how the project came about….I am obsessed with pens, markers, highlighters, and pencils.

It is a serious ailment I’ll tell you ( my boyfriend would tell you too 😀 ) so anyway, I love pen displays in stationery stores. You know the ones I am talking about, You turn the corner and there brightly lit and perfectly organized rows of bright colors. Markers, Pens, Pencils, felt tip, ballpoint, extra fine point, on and on and on. Too many possibilities! It was the part of the craft and stationery stores that gave me goosebumps. Luckily I have a cool mom (that also has this pen illness) and I often came home with a new color pen. Hmmm, Perhaps she was a pen-enabler… a  Penabler!

Back to the project! So as someone who is very visual I hated my pen drawer, it sort of looks like my makeup drawer. It was so sad, just a jumble of lonely pens, all points, types and styles mixed together. Not very conducive for a creative atmosphere…well for my head anyway. So I went from a big ole mess of pens everywhere…

To This!


Now I just want to play with all of them!

I just started to gather paper towel rolls (they can be cut to size)  and tp rolls.

Just pack them all together. If they are not staying where you want them too just use either a hot glue gun or you can use regular glue or Mod Podge, secure the rolls together with paper clips to keep them close while the glue dries.

If you want to get really fancy, decorate them with paint or washi tape or scrapbook paper.

I also have an obsession with anything vintage. My grandma just gave me her old make up case, and I could

not stand the thought of it sitting in a closet. I liked it so much I did the same thing with my mess of paint brushes.

I found this vintage case cheap in a Goodwill.



So many options, so little time!

I hope you have a wonderful Day! How do you organize your supplies? I would love to know!