Day 30 – Sunflower Dream

CaptureSunFlower DreamDay 30 – SunFlower Dream (download here)

Today is day 30, The last day I will be doing the daily coloring page. Although I am sure one will pop up now and then.

It is time to work on new projects. Drawing is a fun distraction, but the beads are calling and I must go.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thank you to all who participated and downloaded. I appreciate it. I hope everyone is finding a passion to keep you busy.

OH! P.S. In case anyone is interested in seeing how my food regrowing from Day 8ย  is going, here are the new pics..


Happy Little Carrot Friends





See the cute lil roots ๐Ÿ˜€


Lettuce too!


Something so satisfying about growing things…



See you soon!

Much love and big hugs!

*I would love to see you with your finished products!

Tagย @sugarbeetcraftsย or email them to me and I will put them up on Instagram!!!

#TogetherApart #sugarbeetcrafts

*Please feel fee to download and share. Please do not replicate or try to sell anything. This is for personal use only.

Day 15 -Gardens

CapturegardensDay 15 –Gardens (download here)

Day 15, sheesh.

I just got word my job is closed until April 14th. Not surprising but I guess deep down I was hoping. Not knowing when a check is coming is stressful. Good thing I have drawing and math as a distraction. Teaching yourself Precalculus isn’t the easiest thing in the world but I am trying to manage.

On a personal note, I really miss my family. I am in Los Angeles, so I have been afraid to go see anyone. But I really really miss my mom. I lost my dad less than two years ago to cancer. My mom has been battling lung cancer for a few years. It’s so hard not being able to go see her especially knowing she’s sick. but I would never forgive myself if I got her sick. I’m not sick (well physically :D), I haven’t been out in weeks but a quick visit to a store, but who knows. And that is the killer, who knows…

My Parents ๐Ÿ˜€

IMG_20180413_161036 064

Miss ya dad โค

IMG_20180605_180602 …yes that’s me – 1980 ๐Ÿ˜œ


I hope everyone is still doing ok, Keep strong. If you need to vent, vent to me ๐Ÿ˜€

Hang in there everyone.

Tagย @sugarbeetcraftsย or email them to me and I will put them up on Instagram!!!

#TogetherApart #sugarbeetcrafts


*Please feel free to download and share. Please do not replicate or try to sell anything. This is for personal use only.